About Us
Equipped and directed by God, our mission is to help people
become active, committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Why we exist
People matter to God. That’s why we’re all about people too. Our beliefs come from the conviction that the Word of God is absolute, authoritative, and applicable to us. The Bible is the story of God revealing himself to his creation, and how through Jesus we are reconciled to God from our rebellion. At Church@paravista, our desire is to see people transformed by the grace of God through encountering the person and significance of Jesus Christ.What we teach
- The whole Bible is inspired by God through the Holy Spirit and is the Christian authority for everything to be believed and practiced.
2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:21
- The sovereign God is one, in three co-equal eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who act together in creation, providence, and redemption.
Matt 28:19, Col 1: 12-16 - The Lord Jesus Christ in his incarnation was truly God and truly man. We believe in his virgin birth, his sinless life, his sacrificial death in our place, his bodily resurrection, his bodily return to heaven, and his continuous role representing us before the Father.
John 1: 1-14, 2 Cor 5:21, Rom 8:34, 1 Tim 3:16 - The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person within the Godhead of Father, Son, and Spirit, who has a necessary role in conversion, new birth, and in setting us apart for God.
John 3: 5-7, John 14: 16-18, John 15: 26 - In Christ’s death and resurrection, he took our place, making full payment for our sin. For those who exercise faith in Christ, he secures forgiveness, a right relationship with God, and everlasting life.
Rom 3:23-26, 2 Cor 5:21, 1 Peter 1:3, 1 Peter 2:24 - Humankind, originally created for a relationship with God, became sinful by nature and practice at the Fall (Gen 3) and is unable by any personal merit or effort to restore that relationship.
Gen 1:26-31, Rom 3:23, Titus 3:3-7 - Those who reject the gift of eternal life, available only in the Lord Jesus Christ, will be eternally separated from God.
John 3:36, Rev 20:11-15 - Biblically defined marriage as God created it is only between one man and one woman.
Matt 19:4-6, Eph 5:31-32, Gen 2:22-24, Heb 13:4 - Salvation is solely by the grace of God, through the work of God the Son, and applied by the Holy Spirit. Salvation is a free gift accepted by faith and includes the forgiveness of sin, a new life, the removal of guilt, being set apart for God, and conformity to the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Eph 2:8-10, Rom 8:28-30 - Every believer, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or gender has direct access to pray to God and to worship him through the sole mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 10: 34-35, 1 Cor 12:13, Eph 2:16-18, 1 Tim 2:5 - Satan is a real spiritual being who is opposed to God and his people. His ultimate purpose has been brought to nothing by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gen 3:1-15, Matt 4:1-11, Rev 20:10, Col 2:15 - God has appointed all people to be raised from the dead, those who have been made right with God, through Jesus Christ, to everlasting life, and others to everlasting punishment.
Matt 25:31-46, John 5:28-29, Rev 20:10-15 - The Lord Jesus Christ will personally return for his people and will reign in righteousness.
1 Thess 4:13-18, 2 Thess 2:1-8, Rev 22:12, 17-20 - Believers’ baptism and the sharing of the Lord’s Supper are a regular and normal expression of Christian faith and fellowship.
Matt 28:19-20, Luke 22:19-20, 1 Cor 11: 23-26 - The Church is the company of all who receive new life through faith in Christ and are formed by his Spirit into one body, of which Christ is the head. The church is commissioned to make disciples of all nations.
Eph 3: 4-10, Matt 28: 19-20