Bible Reading

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they
delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. - Psalm 1:1-2

How to read the Bible

As you read the Bible each day you can use the following to help you engage with God’s Word and apply, think, and pray over what you have read.This guide is the SOAP method.
  • Scripture - Write out one or two verses that specifically speak to you from what you have read.
  • Observation - Make a note of what you observe in the text.
  • Application - Write out how God’s Word applies to your life.
  • Prayer - Write out a prayer of response to what God has said to you.
To go deeper, consider using the COMA method.
  • Context - What writing is this? What has happened before? What will happen after? Who is it written to? Why was the passage written? Geographic, cultural or social setting?
  • Observation - Is the passage part of a major section? What is the main point or points? What are the key and repeated words? What surprises are there? Are there any biblical themes developed?
  • Meaning - How does the passage relate to other parts of the Bible book? How does the passage relate to Jesus? What does the passage teach you about God? How can you sum up the meaning of the passage in your own words?
  • Application - How does the passage challenge or confirm your understanding of God? Is there some attitude you need to change? How does God empower you to do this? What does the passage say about God’s glory? Is there something for you to go and do, a new attitude to develop, an old habit to break, or simply a wow moment of understanding the bigness and greatness of God.

New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs

This plan covers the entire New Testament, all the Psalms and Proverbs in an entire year.

Additional Resources

If you want to dig deeper and know more about the Bible and how to read it, the church@paravista library has the following books which are available to borrow.

  • One to One Bible Reading, by David Helm
  • How to Read the Bible for All it’s Worth, by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
  • How to Read the Bible Book by Book, by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
  • Word for you Today by Vision. Online daily devotion. Free books available in the church foyer.