About Us

Equipped and directed by God, our mission is to help people
become active, committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Why we exist

People matter to God. That’s why we’re all about people too. Our beliefs come from the conviction that the Word of God is absolute, authoritative, and applicable to us. The Bible is the story of God revealing himself to his creation, and how through Jesus we are reconciled to God from our rebellion. At Church@paravista, our desire is to see people transformed by the grace of God through encountering the person and significance of Jesus Christ.

What we teach

  • The whole Bible is inspired by God through the Holy Spirit and is the Christian authority for everything to be believed and practiced.
    2 Tim 3:16-172 Peter 1:21

  • The sovereign God is one, in three co-equal eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who act together in creation, providence, and redemption.
    Matt 28:19Col 1: 12-16

  • The Lord Jesus Christ in his incarnation was truly God and truly man. We believe in his virgin birth, his sinless life, his sacrificial death in our place, his bodily resurrection, his bodily return to heaven, and his continuous role representing us before the Father.
    John 1: 1-142 Cor 5:21Rom 8:341 Tim 3:16

  • The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person within the Godhead of Father, Son, and Spirit, who has a necessary role in conversion, new birth, and in setting us apart for God.
    John 3: 5-7John 14: 16-18John 15: 26

  • In Christ’s death and resurrection, he took our place, making full payment for our sin. For those who exercise faith in Christ, he secures forgiveness, a right relationship with God, and everlasting life.
    Rom 3:23-262 Cor 5:211 Peter 1:31 Peter 2:24

  • Humankind, originally created for a relationship with God, became sinful by nature and practice at the Fall (Gen 3) and is unable by any personal merit or effort to restore that relationship.
    Gen 1:26-31Rom 3:23Titus 3:3-7

  • Those who reject the gift of eternal life, available only in the Lord Jesus Christ, will be eternally separated from God.
    John 3:36Rev 20:11-15

  • Biblically defined marriage as God created it is only between one man and one woman.
    Matt 19:4-6Eph 5:31-32Gen 2:22-24Heb 13:4

  • Salvation is solely by the grace of God, through the work of God the Son, and applied by the Holy Spirit. Salvation is a free gift accepted by faith and includes the forgiveness of sin, a new life, the removal of guilt, being set apart for God, and conformity to the character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Eph 2:8-10Rom 8:28-30

  • Every believer, regardless of social class, ethnicity, or gender has direct access to pray to God and to worship him through the sole mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Acts 10: 34-351 Cor 12:13Eph 2:16-181 Tim 2:5

  • Satan is a real spiritual being who is opposed to God and his people. His ultimate purpose has been brought to nothing by the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Gen 3:1-15Matt 4:1-11Rev 20:10Col 2:15

  • God has appointed all people to be raised from the dead, those who have been made right with God, through Jesus Christ, to everlasting life, and others to everlasting punishment.
    Matt 25:31-46John 5:28-29Rev 20:10-15

  • The Lord Jesus Christ will personally return for his people and will reign in righteousness.
    1 Thess 4:13-182 Thess 2:1-8Rev 22:1217-20

  • Believers’ baptism and the sharing of the Lord’s Supper are a regular and normal expression of Christian faith and fellowship.
    Matt 28:19-20Luke 22:19-201 Cor 11: 23-26

  • The Church is the company of all who receive new life through faith in Christ and are formed by his Spirit into one body, of which Christ is the head. The church is commissioned to make disciples of all nations.
    Eph 3: 4-10Matt 28: 19-20

Meet the Team


Danny Lanthois

Senior Pastor & Elder

I am a carpenter by trade and have worked in the building industry for 12 years. For 4 years I started and co-directed a number of different companies before commencing work as a pastor at Golden Grove Community Church, which later became Church@paravista. I have served in the role of a pastor in the context of youth, community and families, and now the Senior Pastor.

I have been a committed Christian since 1988. I have over 20 years’ experience in marriage counselling, mentoring and sharing life with those I have the privilege to walk alongside.

I have a passion to connect with people from all walks of life, caring for them during the good times and the bad, sharing with them the love of Jesus and his message. I love to see people grow in their Christian faith, marriages and everyday lives.

I also enjoy caravanning, farming and I am an avid fan of the band Stryper.

I am married to Susy and we have 4 children.


Roy Montgomery


I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and became a Christian at the age of 17. I worked as a Boiler Maker before emigrating to Australia in 1981.

I served as a Youth Pastor and High School Chaplain in Perth before returning to Adelaide to serve as the Pastor of Golden Grove Community Church, which later became Church@paravista, where I served for 19 ½ years. I then took on the role of Pastor at Houghton Uniting Church where I served for 11 years before returning to a Pastoral role at Church@paravista. I also work part-time as a Workplace Chaplain and Well-being Officer for a National Pharmacy Group.

I am passionate about Bible teaching, leadership, mentoring and pastoral care.

I am married to Joy and we have 3 adult children and 10 grandchildren.


Ryan Windle

Associate Pastor

I worked a number of years in hospitality, fast food and retail before attending Bible College SA. During my studies I served as a part-time Youth Coordinator at Craigmore Christian Church, where I also served as a Youth Leader for 9 years.

For the past 4 years I have and currently serve as the Associate Pastor overseeing our children, youth and young adult ministries, as well as overseeing our Kids' School Holiday Program.

I am passionate about preaching and teaching the Bible. I'm also passionate about training and equipping people to grow in their love, knowledge and understanding of the Bible and to equip them with the tools and abilities to pass this on to others.

I am married to Libby and we have 2 children.


Bec Kulikovsky

Office Administrator

I am originally from the UK where I worked in various corporate jobs, and as a teaching assistant.

I met Alex whilst travelling around Australia before moving to Adelaide once we were married. Alex and I have been married for 15 years and we have three lovely children.
I recently returned to the workforce after being a stay-at-home mum for 10 years. 

I am passionate about enabling women of all ages to deepen and strengthen their relationship with God, and encourage others along the way.

I enjoy taking our three-legged dog on long walks and reading in the evenings.


Phil Bowshall


I am an automotive spray painter by trade but currently work in the defence industry.

I have been a Christian since 1982 and am involved in the leadership of the music ministry at Church@paravista. I'm passionate about leading people in a time of prayer, praise and worship of the Lord through music.

I enjoy fishing, camping and spending time in the outdoors with family and friends.

I am married to Donna and we have 4 adult children.


Glen Deards


I’ve worked as an electrical engineer in defence, spending 6 years in the Airforce, 17 years in defence industry and 8 years now in defence as a contractor.

I became a Christian later in life at age 31. I’ve spent 13 years as an elder and 10 years as a Deacon. I’ve been a home group leader at church for 12 years.

I enjoy organising, facilitating, serving and worshiping on bass guitar. I assisted the establishment of the Op-Shop and Hands-and-Feet ministries. I believe it is God who leads  - we need to be ready to follow.

I am married to Michelle and we have 3 children.


Daniel Engler


I work during the week as a high school teacher, teaching Digital Technologies to grades 7 to 12. That keeps me fairly busy.

I serve as the ministry leader of the Tech Team, who are mainly responsible for running the audio and visual side of things for our main Sunday morning services. I have an interest in technology, and can generally get things to work, most of the time!

I also am involved in the music team, and the preaching team, as well as leading a home group during the week. I am always looking to learn more about God's Word, and love to discover new ways that His truth can be applied in people's lives.

I am married to Aimee and we have 2 children.


Alex Kulikovsky


I have has been working full-time in the plumbing trade for 19 years and recently I started part-time study in a Diploma of Theology at Bible College of South Australia.

I've been a Sunday School teacher for 21 years and enjoy serving the church in many other ways.

I have a passion to see the lost saved, for couples to have great marriages, and for people to follow God wholeheartedly. I also have a strong sense of justice for the unborn.

I enjoy camping particularly if there is a fire, fishing, golf, and my lawn. I've been known to go over the top in projects that I work on. I also happen to be a tragic Port Adelaide supporter.

I've been married to Rebecca (Bec) for 15 years and counting, and we have three primary school aged children.


Mark Kulikovsky


I’ve worked in Information Technology for 18 years and have been a lecturer and Academic Dean at Bible College SA since 2000.

I have been a Christian for 55+ years. I have served as an elder and pastor at two different churches over the past 40 years, and I have 20+ years’ of experience in marriage counselling; along with a significant amount of teaching and preaching over 40 years.

I have a passion for Bible Teaching, leadership, and counselling. I love digging deep into God’s Word, looking at the original languages, and helping people to see that God’s Word is still as relevant today as it always was.

I am married to Christine (Chris) and we have 4 adult children and 6 grandchildren.


George Sears


I was born in England and emigrated to Adelaide in 1958. I became a Christian in 1959 at a Billy Graham Crusade. To this day, the Lord Jesus remains the centring focus of my life, and my chief desire is to serve and honour him.

I began my teaching career as a Maths teacher with the South Australian Department of Education in 1970. In 1971 I was conscripted for military service during the Vietnam War. After being honourably discharged in 1973, I returned to SA Education Department and taught secondary mathematics for 9 years.

During my 37 years in teaching I helped establish Craigmore Christian School and served as the principal for the first 25 years. I worked as an education consultant for Southern Cross Educational Enterprises. Recently I served as the Acting Principal at Mt. Torrens Christian School for 2 years.

I began further study at Bible College SA in 2016, but had to defer after being asked to act as Senior Pastor at Church@paravista while the current pastor managed some health concerns.
I am now retired from paid employment.

I have been married to Chris for 53 years. We have no children, just 2 Burmese cats.